\n \n {{ JSONData }}\n
\n \n {{ remainingCount }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang][line] }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang]['To request legal assistance online'] }}\n \n how the ACLU Foundation of Southern California ("ACLU SoCal") handles requests\n \n \n how the ACLU Foundation of Southern California accepts cases\n \n {{ lang[activeLang]['for legal assistance'] }}\n
\n\n If you are reaching out about an issue at your California K-12 public school\n
\n To contact us about a legal concern related to accurate and inclusive education, such as your school board seeking to ban inclusive curricular materials or your school adopting policies harmful to LGBTQ+ students, please email us with your name, contact information, school district, and description of the issue at schools@aclusocal.org.\n
\n Please note that emails sent to schools@aclusocal.org regarding legal issues other than those relating to inclusive education will not be processed, so please submit all other legal complaints using the form below.\n
\n {{ lang[activeLang]['Please note that we cannot respond immediately'] }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang]['All fields are required'] }} {{ lang[activeLang]['in order for us to process your request for assistance'] }}\n
\n\n * {{ lang[activeLang]['Indicates the required fields.'] }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang]['To request legal assistance online'] }}\n \n how the ACLU Foundation of Southern California ("ACLU SoCal") handles requests\n \n \n how the ACLU Foundation of Southern California accepts cases\n \n {{ lang[activeLang]['for legal assistance'] }}\n
\n\n If you are reaching out about an issue at your California K-12 public school\n
\n To contact us about a legal concern related to accurate and inclusive education, such as your school board seeking to ban inclusive curricular materials or your school adopting policies harmful to LGBTQ+ students, please email us with your name, contact information, school district, and description of the issue at schools@aclusocal.org.\n
\n Please note that emails sent to schools@aclusocal.org regarding legal issues other than those relating to inclusive education will not be processed, so please submit all other legal complaints using the form below.\n
\n {{ lang[activeLang]['Please note that we cannot respond immediately'] }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang]['All fields are required'] }} {{ lang[activeLang]['in order for us to process your request for assistance'] }}\n
\n\n * {{ lang[activeLang]['Indicates the required fields.'] }}\n
\n\n {{\n lang[activeLang][\n 'Unfortunately, we have very limited resources and we are unable to take most cases. If we are able to help you, we will be back in touch as soon as possible. You should continue to seek other counsel and be mindful that you have a limited period of time to file a lawsuit. Thank you for contacting us, and thank you for your patience.'\n ]\n }}\n